So here I am starting a new blog (almost two whole months strong - yahoo!) and I was like, I want to review blogs and give out ratings and scoring and all that jazz. I want to just tell people which blogs to go to and which ones not to. I'll throw in some other stuff like a few recipes, PSAs, Friday Freebies, and crap like that just to keep it interesting, but I can never commit myself to being just one kind of blog, YKWIM (ya, know what I mean)? It will be so fun, to just write about all of this stuff and never really commit or care. Just fly by the seat of my pants as words just beg to be written from my overstuffed mind.
Can we say, delusional party of one? This blogging crap is a lot harder than people think. I never remember to take pictures of the food I'm making or writing about and quite honestly - that is the best part about food posts and recipe blogs. When I do take a picture my kitchen looks like a bomb hit it and there is not one single clean surface in which I can do this or for it to look beautiful. I wonder how these bloggers are so together and tidy all the time? Maybe, I think, I'll do a better job, if I can finally get my formal dining room put together and I would always have a clean space to set up for a photo shoot? That is on the priority list after finishing the basement - ourselves. That's when the maniacal laughing starts because I think I might go bonkers first.
We have lived in our home for just over 2 years now and we have been able to replace the outdoor light fixtures and front door hardware plus put in our landscaping - but just a portion of it because we are not ready to commit to an outdoor living space. Oh and wait, I'm almost finished decorating the foyer. Uh-hem. Yep, just the foyer. I'm almost done though. This week, I should finish the antique dresser that I'm refinishing and put it into it's designated spot (I bought it and started that project in July). I took a trip to IKEA to purchase some decorating items that I had in mind for that guy plus an awesome mirror that I'm not sure will match but I hope it fits in somewhere. Then I'll have to scour Pinterest or the internet for ideas because I am so challenged when it comes to decorating.
So I think you get the picture here. I have a little bit of analysis paralysis when it comes to do doing things like this. This blog will also help me get me going a little bit and stop being such a pansy about it but I'm beginning to think that I need more of an outlined schedule then just, "Hey I'm starting a blog and I'm going to post on Tuesdays and Thursdays with some Fridays thrown in when I feel like it." When Monday rolls around, I'm a tad stressed out. What am I going to write about this week, what is finished? Do I have any pictures for it? The answer is always, no by the way. How can I become more successful and still stay on track? How do these people do it while working a full time job, raising a family, and having a life while keeping the DVR below 50% full? Come one people - how in the heck are you doing it?
I have been a project manager for the majority of my career, so you would think that I should have this down to a science. Um, not so much. Though I do have the anxiety that goes with it - knowing that I should have a plan and post ready to go when say, I need a vacation or something happens to one of the kids or god forbid, myself! Nothing set up - nothing.
I also was reading that you really need to start getting to know other bloggers, so you can have guest posters while you are out. Which I think is really cool, but I'm also kind of nervous about it. I'm so new to this and haven't really found my niche yet. I also don't have a very cool looking blog. It's standard and out of the box, so I haven't really been marketing it that much. I guess these are both things I need to get on "the list" when I have a predefined schedule up and running.
So last night I high tailed it to Target (or Tar-jay to some) and bought a small planner with a calendar and a to-do list for each month. I'm going to really start planning around here. Maybe then I'll have time to get this thing looking real spiffy..... but I wouldn't hold your breath! Happy Thursday!!
Until Next Time,
J.K. Sasse
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